Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Last Supper ...

We left Durango ... but not before a final tribute from the Durango and Silverton coal-fired, steam-powered train ... this tourist train is a major draw to the Durango area, including fostering a spin-off Iron Horse Bicycle Classic, where cyclists "race" the train from Durango to Silverton.  The train runs through the middle of our campground ... two trains in the morning and the return trip in the late afternoon, early evening.

We drove to Bonito Campground in the Sunset Crater Volcano National Park, just north of Flagstaff,  Arizona ... And, completed a large loop in our travels.  Side note:  When Sander was very young, we would hike with him ... roughly doing as many miles as his age (2 miles when 2, 3 miles when 3, etc., up to the age of 7) ... his first question was always, "Loop trail, Daddy? ... Loop trail?".  He very early in life decided that a "loop trail" was okay, an "in and out trail" was not ... he didn't want to go forward on a hike, if he knew that he would have to re-trace each step forward ... so, we were sensitive to finding (or sometimes creating) "loop" trails to keep him willing to hike with us.  We found a "loop" trail for Bambi's travels ...

And, we had our last supper on the road ... we eat well in Bambi ...

Arizona greeted us with an significant thunder and lightning monsoon rainstorm ... the thunder rolled through the mountains, lightning crashed all around ... rain poured ... we were quite grateful to be inside Bambi (and sympathetic to the tent campers surrounding us who were getting drenched) ... Bambi keeps us high and dry ... Arizona welcomed the rain (as did we).


Mac said...

AZ thunderstorms are great especially if you are in a cabin with a tin roof! I suspect aluminum is just as dramatic. Hope to see you soon. Jim & Kathy

Trudy said...

Thanks for sharing your Magnificent Adventures with us. I enjoyed reading them every day. See you soon in Tucson. Trudy

Clarissa Marques said...

Yep, rain is dramatic on Bambi's shell ... but boy do we enjoy being dry ... and not having to pack up a wet tent and rainfly!

Our pleasure ... Bambi likes to share his adventures.