Thursday, July 9, 2015

Wildflowers, Lakes and Mountains ...

I hope that it was a mountain stage on the Tour de France ... as we channeled our inner mountain cyclists as we rode our bikes to Pearl Lake today.

The day started mildly enough ... cool temperatures (first time that we've used Bambi's heater during this trip) ... clear skies around Hahn's Peak ... time to take an early morning trail hike around the edge of Steamboat Lake (Willow Springs Trail) to the Visitor's Center ... a riot of wildflowers littering the meadows ... birds quite content to scoop up the bugs and scattered seeds from the flowers (even willing to serenade us) ... chipmunk curious about our walk ... even a mule deer made his presence known ... easy five mile walk as we also scouted out some potentially new campsites for trips in the future (Bambi wants to be nearer to the lake).  Lunch and nap ... a relaxing day in the high country of Colorado.

Then, I think that Paul recommended taking a bike ride.  I had the brilliant idea to ride our bikes to Pearl Lake State Park ... approximately 6 miles away.  I am sure that it was my idea because I have no one else to blame.  The "rolling hills" that we experienced on our drive into Steamboat Lake State Park became mountains of significant elevation ... the altitude, 8,000+, became a very tangible issue to my endurance.  I puffed like a steam engine long overdue for retirement ... barely recovering my breath before the next "mountain" ... we did make it to Pearl Lake State Park ... realized that storms were in the distance and returned as quickly as my labored breathing permitted.  I now know, on a visceral level, why professional cyclists train at altitude on mountain courses.  Bambi was glad that we got back before it rained ... and I was glad for the long, hot shower.

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