Monday, August 30, 2021

Getting Ready to Head Home - August 30, 2021

Getting Ready to Head Home - August 30, 2021

We start our journey home tomorrow ... our stay in the Olympic Peninsula is near an end.  We enjoyed the comfort of our stay at Evergreen Coho SKP RV Park, although a bit too structured for us to consider staying long term ... we searched for land or property to own (although nothing was just right) ... we investigated homes for sale (again, nothing was quite right) ... we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with good friends.  We did get some good walks and hikes into the plan.  

And, we actually turned on the heater in Bambi on a couple of cold mornings ... we wore jackets and wool shirts ... and shivered a time or two while grabbing another layer of clothes to put on ... just what a few desert rats needed to escape the summer heat!  There was only one night with a little bit of rain ... everyone told us not to expect it to always be so lovely ... blue skies, daytime temperatures that were warm with cooling breezes and cool evenings ... and dry!  Plums and apples were ripe ... ready to picked from the tree ... flowers blooming ... Farmer's Markets bursting with farm to market goods.

While Bambi gets himself ready to leave, he wanted to leave folks with a few pictures from Annie's garden ...

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