Friday, August 13, 2021

Aristocrat Relocation - Santa Barbara, California - August 13, 2021

A little Earl Warren history ….

Cowboy statue at Earl Warren Showgrounds with mask … unfortunately his horse has lost most of his mask

Aristocrat Relocation - Santa Barbara, California - August 13, 2021

Bambi needed some supplies, so off we went to Airstream of Santa Barbara (which is actually located in Buellton, California).  Buellton is known for Anderson’s Split Pea Soup, but we did not stop for soup.  Instead, we drove back through the Santa Ynez Valley on our way back home to Bambi.  Everywhere there is evidence of the drought and  low water levels in Lake Cachuma … it is unsettling for the present and the future.

As we returned to Bambi, Paul was needed to assist KC and Hilary in relocating their Aristocrat trailer from the home that they sold on Williams Way in Santa Barbara … KC picked him up and off they went.

I stayed behind with Coco and we walked the Earl Warren Showgrounds practicing NOT barking at folks and/or their dogs, while exploring the rodeo grounds and horse stalls.  

I was notified that we had parked in the wrong spot and the camp host wanted me to move Bambi over one spot.  I tried to negotiate with her to just have them move into our assigned spot.  She was quite upset because her software would not let her know what might be coming in.  We finally negotiated that the other party would go to another site if it was acceptable to them, turned it that it was acceptable to them, but she was miffed.  She complained about Coco’s barking at a man who wanted to approach her and pet her … I think that it was an effort to be difficult with me.  Then an administrator emerged from the Adminstration Building to complain that I was walking Coco on the grass (on a leash) … the ants had upped their activity in Bambi … I was ready to call it quits.  

Fortunately Paul called … margaritas were waiting at KC and Hilary’s house … the trailer was moved, but I didn’t hear the story until I arrived.  Apparently the efforts to move their Aristorcrat were thwarted by poor memory (they didn’t remember how to hook up everything) and location (they had angled their trailer in so tightly on a hill that it was hard to move).  The day was saved by a trailer moving service with a talented individual and his multi-purpose moving truck that managed, with difficulty, to extricate the trailer from its location and tow it to the new location.  Sometimes expertise and money is the solution …

Margaritas called for Mexican food … so, we ordered take out from Super Cuca’s Mexican Restaurant, Market and Carnerceria … and had another lovely evening (albeit a cool evening) on the back yard patio with everyone stuffed to the gills.

Coco has made a smooth transition to sleeping in Bambi without her kennel …

1 comment:

Trudy said...

Such unpleasant people.

Mexican food and Marquita's can't go wrong with that.

Nice shot of Coco (her hair is growing back).