Thursday, April 8, 2021

South Fork Trail (of Cave Creek Canyon) - April 4, 2021

South Fork Trail (of Cave Creek Canyon) - April 4, 2021

Bambi’s adventures continue ... actually, Bambi stayed at Rusty’s RV Resort ,while we took an early morning hike up the South Fork Trail (of Cave Creek Canyon).  Bambi was relieved to get us all out and on a trail ... we never felt short of space in Bambi until we had an energetic puppy and her kennel sharing space with us (along with her toys, food and water bowls, bags of food and dog treats).  

The trail was simply everything that we had been looking forward to experiencing ... cool morning temperatures, birds singing their spring hearts out, shaded by mature trees, trail softened by leaves from seasons long past, walking along the banks of the creek bed, occasionally with water, occasionally with the water going underground ... always a delight.  

We met very few people along the trail which we thought was a bit unusual given that it was Easter Sunday and a holiday weekend ... but, we did get out early ... and the few people whom we did meet were all in equally good spirits.  There is something about a good hike that brings out the best in everyone.

Wooten's groundsel

After returning back to Bambi to escape the (unusually hot) heat of the day, we feasted on cold beer and potato chips (bad diet) and surrendered to a nap, before showering to attend the big event of the day ... the NCAA Women’s Basketball Final game between the University of Arizona and Stanford University.

We arrived at Rusty’s RV Resort Clubhouse before game time ... the fellow camper fan base was arriving, setting up chairs, and getting the malted chocolate eggs, Easter cookies, and popcorn out to fuel the fans.  We were delirious with excitement, tinged with anxiety and enthusiastic (and quite vocal) in our efforts to cheer on our team.  The dynamic tension lasted to the very end, with 6.1 seconds left, our team had a chance to put the ball into the basket to win ... Aari did her best, but two inches off and Stanford won by one point.  Our number 3 seeded team almost knocked off the number 1 seeded Stanford ... alas, not to happen ... but we were all bursting with pride for our audacious group of basketball Valkyries.  Such a unique team, such a unique time in all of our lives, to witness the courage and spunk of these players and coaches led by Adia Barnes and Aari McDonald.  

And, we the lost the bet with our friends, Bruce and Karen, in Palo Alto, supporting Stanford … they put up a bushel of Dungeness crabs against our offer of Sonoran Mexican dinner … we all jointly decided that the bet will be repaid when we can get together and celebrate a great competition in person (and, there is always next year ...)!

But, when can never lose with a sunset like this …

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