Saturday, April 10, 2021

Home Again - All Good Things Must Come to an End - April 7, 2021

Home Again - All Good Things Must Come to an End - April 7, 2021

We had a great trip … Bambi, even after being in storage for over a year, had no problems … (and we were delighted that we remembered how to do everything).

Coco was a delightful travel companion … riding well in the car, hiking well on the trail, behaving well in Bambi, sleeping well in her kennel … a real traveling, hiking, hanging out under our feet companion.

When Coco arrived home, she showed us that she had lost her first (that we’ve found) puppy tooth … she placed it under her pillow and the canine tooth fairy left her a much-desired liver treat.  We’re hoping that the adult replacement teeth are nowhere near as razor sharp as her puppy teeth.

We cleaned Bambi and returned him to his storage … with promises of trips to come.

We’re still happy campers!

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