Friday, September 3, 2021

KOA Fillmore to KOA Flagstaff, AZ - September 3, 2021

KOA Fillmore to KOA Flagstaff, AZ - September 2, 2021

Another long day of driving, 375 miles, to arrive in Flagstaff.  Funny ... after all of our time in the Pacific Northwest with only one night of modest rain, we arrive in Flagstaff in the midst of a downpour.  It was hard to set up in all of the rain, but like most desert rains, it did pass and we were able to finish setting up for the night.  

KOA Flagstaff is perhaps the liveliest of the KOAs that we've ever stayed at ... campers, tents, teepees and cabins ... lots of children playing ... it just feels like a holiday campsite.  And, it was booked with Labor Day celebrants.

 Olivia and her two sons, Rouge and Rojo celebrated their return to KOA Flagstaff with Coco ...

And Coco was eager to get back on the road again ... from her perch (bed) in the back seat of Fritz ...

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