Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Presidio - 8/27/16

The Presidio - 8/27/16

This was a reconnection with friends from our Italian Dolomite adventure.  We met up with Bruce and Karen, and their canine companion, Pepper, in Presidio Park to walk the trails and catch up with what was happening in our respective lives since we returned from Italy.  Kathy had been to the Dolomites a month earlier and had her adventures to share as we walked through the paths snaking their way through the Presidio ...

Few flowers were still blooming, but this one caught our eye ...

The view of Alcatraz was arresting ... As was the view over the cemetery ...

Wooden sculptures ... Like the spire marked the way ...

And then off to lunch at Sessions ... "planting seeds" for possible future adventures together

The evening was a send-off dinner in Lafayette with Kathy, Kathy's mother, Velma, Kathy's sister, Jan and brother-in-law, Gary.

A good time was had by all ...

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